Monday, 19 December 2011

Melbourne cricket ground at night

Melbourne Cricket Ground MCG - Cricket Ground Melbourne Night
With its towering lights, the Cricket Ground Melbourne Night makes a great place to catch some after-hours entertainment. Despite the fact that it holds the word cricket in its name, the current stadium is most often used for Australian Rules football, as well as a host of other events. Quite often, football games, also called, "footy" by the locals, are played at night. Cricket Ground Melbourne night time activities make for a fun, relaxing way to enjoy a beer and take in a game after a long day spent sightseeing in Melbourne. 
Melbourne cricket ground at night,Melbourne cricket ground

Melbourne cricket ground at night,Melbourne cricket ground

Melbourne cricket ground at night,Melbourne cricket ground

Melbourne cricket ground at night,Melbourne cricket ground

Melbourne cricket ground at night,Melbourne cricket ground

Melbourne cricket ground at night,Melbourne cricket ground

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